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Minutes 2021/10/18

October 18 2021
Start 3:15
Community Room and Google Meet
Present: Jared Abney, Ashley Remkes, Heidi James, Diana Beard, Lisa Begley, Sarah Lynch,
Ericka Rodriguez, Amy Doepking
Absent: Michel Strate
Review of Current year Plan
 -Goal #1 Reach above growth in reading from BOY to EOY
Focus on Reading, Writing, Technology and Fine Arts
We will reach this by PLCs, ACADIENCE, RISE assessments
Use money for Paraprofessionals, Behavioral, Leader in Me, Technology
 -Goal #2 Increase academic achievement scores in Math and Science
Focus on Math, Science and Technology
CFAs and RISE will be used to measure these goals, and assessments will be given
throughout the year. 
Use of STEM(Dreambox, IXL), Technology
Also Discussed: 
-TSSA plan and Title 1 plan to focus on Math and Science
-Trying to find a Pre-COVID baseline for our students, data has been lost or delayed because of
the pandemic
-Trustlands to help with the following:
   -Teaching through PLCs for Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3
   -Behavior and Social/Emotional, and overall Mental Health for our students
-Surveys for Students, Parents, and Teachers/Staff
Future Meetings:
 Monday, November 15th 3:15
 Monday, January 24th 3:15
 Monday, February 14th 3:15
 Monday, March 21th 3:15
Meeting adjourned 4:15