Minutes 2017/03/06
Community Council Meeting Notes – March 6, 2017
In Attendance: Riko Reese, Jenn Kasteler, Dave Tanner, Trina Favero
Absent: Tina Wright, Allison Stander
Meeting Began @: 3:35PMPM
Minutes read and approved: Yes, Dave and Trina
Reviewed Trustlands report for 2017-2018
$49,707 for the coming year, increased since last year
Ideas for extra funds
Included on current plan:
4th grade Science goal added
Leasing of Chromebooks
Not included in current plan:
Change amount for supplies for PLCs and dedicate that amount for PLC only ($500 increased to $2000)
Change in supply money spending due to student population growth and online math program (more printing, copying)
Math supplies
Hire and Aid/Tutor for upper grade math
Final decision made to add math aid/tutor and manipulatives goal to next year’s plan
Meeting Adjourned @: 3:54PM