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Emergency, Safety, & Health Information

  EMERGENCY, SAFETY & HEALTH INFORMATION   Health Guide for Sending Students to School Safely   Link to SAFE Weber Framework:   COVID-19 School Manual:   Link to Utah Public Health Order for Masks on School Property (August 14, 2020):   Weber School District Mask Information:     The...

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Super Run

SUPER RUN When: October 9th Where: Park next the North Park Elementary (by tennis courts) What is it: The Super Run is a PTA sponsored educational program & fundraiser teamed up with SUPER RUN.  Goal: Earn $12,000 How it works: The few weeks before the Super Run students are encouraged to help raise funds for our school by gathering donations or pledges from sponsors for the school’s Super Run. Students will ask for a flat donation or a pledge. A pledge consists of a dollar amount they are willing to pay for how many laps that particular student...

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Mrs. Russell Bio

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Dance Pedagogy from Brigham Young University of Idaho Grades Taught and Where: BYUI Students at BYUI K-6 at North Park Elementary  Why I like working at North Park: We treat each other and take care of each other like family.  What do you do when your not at school: Read a book or go paddleboarding!  Favorite Quote: "Every breath is a chance to begin again."  Julia Gregson 

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