What is this plan?

Click on the image to watch a short video of the overview!

-TSSA stands for Teacher and Student Success Plan.

-Goals for the year for our student's success.

Teacher and Student Success Plan 2024-2025

School Information

Name of Administrator: Michel Strate

Name of School: North Park Elementary

Goal # 1

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement

Goal #1:

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 65% of students in grades K-6 will achieve typical or above growth according to the Pathways of Progress on the year end Acadience reading assessment.

Goal #1 Action Steps

1. Support for all students needing intervention and enrichment in reading will be provided. Teachers and aides will work together to support students both academically and behaviorally. Classroom aides will continue to be used to support students in classrooms, small groups, and one-on-one settings to provide support and intervention. Funds will be used to hire support personnel.

$20,000 salaries

1. School-level support systems will be enhanced and supported. This will include the ongoing work on the school’s MTSS team, Leadership Team, Student Success Team (Child Study Team), Lighthouse Action Teams, Student Leaders, and support personnel.

2. We will continue our work on implementing a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) and incorporating the Leader in Me Framework with the goal of teaching and achieving measurable results in leadership, culture, and academics. These steps will provide support for students to be successful in reading, writing, math, science and all other curricular areas. Funding will be used to support professional learning/training costs, substitute costs, and stipends.


school personnel stipends/



Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)

  • School personnel stipends

  • Professional learning

  • Additional school employees

  • Student wellness support

  • Student leadership development

  • College and career readiness skills

  • Technology

  • Before – or after – school programs

  • Community support programs or partnerships

  • Early childhood education

  • Class size reduction strategies

  • other

Goal # 1 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.

The ACADIENCE reading assessment will be used to measure the goal. ACADIENCE Benchmark assessments will be given three times during the year (BOY, MOY, EOY). Progress monitoring will be done by K-6th grade teachers for any students that are identified as strategic.

Goal #2

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #2

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 65% of students in grades K-6 will achieve typical or above typical growth according to the Pathways of Progress on the year end Acadience math assessment.

Goal #2 Action Steps

1. Support for all students needing intervention and enrichment in math will be provided. Teachers and aides will work together to support students both academically and behaviorally. Classroom aides will continue to be used to support students in classrooms, small groups, and one-on-one settings to provide support and intervention. Funds will be used to hire support personnel.

$31,000 Salaries

2. Software to provide practice and enrichment for math practice, funds to cover costs of technology, and supplies for math manipulatives and items needed for math intervention groups.


software, technology & supplies

Goal #2 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)

  • School personnel stipends

  • Professional learning

  • Additional school employees

  • Student wellness support

  • Student leadership development

  • College and career readiness skills

  • Technology

  • Before – or after – school programs

  • Community support programs or partnerships

  • Early childhood education

  • Class size reduction strategies

  • other

Goal # 2 Measures of Success:

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.

The ACADIENCE math assessment will be used to measure the goal. ACADIENCE Benchmark assessments will be given three times during the year (BOY, MOY, EOY). Progress monitoring will be done by K-6th grade teachers for any students that are in the strategic category.

Do you have a Goal #3

(Please click on the checkbox(es).)

  • Yes

  • No

*If no then skip to Proposed Budget

Goal #3

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #3

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 80% of students grades 1-6 will achieve 80% or higher average on their monthly tiger trackers.

Goal #3 Action Step

1. Aides will be used to provide check-in/check-out sessions with students needing support. Teachers and aides will work together to support students both academically and behaviorally. Classroom aides will continue to be used to support students in classrooms, small groups, and one-on-one settings to provide support and intervention. Structured recess will be provided to support students at risk (intervention, homework help, etc.) and/or provide enrichment opportunities (Student Leadership, Leader in Me, Robotics, STEM, fine arts, physical activities, etc.) Funds will be used to hire support personnel.


2. Implement a home visit program to increase student attendance at the school and encourage parent engagement. Training will be provided to teachers and stipends will be paid to teachers who visit homes out of school time hours.


Home Visit stipends

3. Work with Weber Human Services to provide parent classes at North Park. Provide supplies needed for these after school classes held in conjunction with community service providers.

$1,000 community class supplies

4. Students in all classrooms will be supported through emotional and mental health and targeted behavioral needs. We will be implementing a school-wide emotional and mental health and behavior management system to support students using evidence-based strategies. Additional support will be provided through implementation of emotional and mental health programs and support personnel. Funds will be used to hire a mental health specialist.


mental health specialist

5. We will be using Junior Hope Squad, Leader in Me, Panorama, Caring School Communities, and Move This World curriculum. We will also be hiring a mental health specialist. We will be incorporating training and support of restorative practices. The collaborative efforts of teachers, staff, parents, and students will be used to develop and maintain this system. As a part of the system, there will be activities, tracking forms, check-in/check-out material, etc. as well as rewards for achieving goals. Funds will be used to provide activities and supplies to be used for instruction, support material, incentives, support personnel, and supplies to teach, motivate and celebrate student achievement and growth in behavioral areas.



Goal #3 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.(Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)

  • School personnel stipends

  • Professional learning

  • Additional school employees

  • Student wellness support

  • Student leadership development

  • College and career readiness skills

  • Technology

  • Before – or after – school programs

  • Community support programs or partnerships

  • Early childhood education

  • Class size reduction strategies

  • other

Goal #3 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.

Students will track their behavior daily. Each student’s monthly average score will be put into a spreadsheet monthly. Totals will be taken from the spreadsheet monthly and at the end of the year.

Proposed Budget

Stakeholder Involvement

Who was involved in developing this plan? (Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable stakeholder group.)

  • Educators

  • Collaborative Leadership Team

  • Administrators

  • Students

  • Community Council Members

  • Parents

  • Support Professionals

  • Other


Administrator Signature

Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals.

Signature: Michel Strate

Date: 8/01/24