Leader in Me

Leader in Me

North Park Elementary is proud to be a Leader In Me School.

Leader in Me is a model based on the idea that everyone can be a leader. This evidence-based approach empowers students with the leadership and life-skills they need to be successful in today's world. By developing the WHOLE child (socially, emotionally, academically and ethically) we will create a school culture that promotes greatness!

The 7 Habits 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® is one of the key frameworks of the Leader in Me model. The 7 Habits help students learn and apply social and emotional skills. Additionally, the 7 Habits give students and staff members a common language and are essential in building a strong leadership culture. 

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids

Habit I Be Proactive Youre In Charge

I am a responsible person.
I take initiative.
I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods.
I do not blame others for my wrong actions.
I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.

Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind - Have a Plan

I plan ahead and set goals.
I do things that have meaning and make a difference.
I am an important part of my classroom and schools.

Habit 3 Put First Things First- tork First. Then Play

Ispend my time on things that are most important.
I say no to things that I know I should not do.
I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan.
I am self-disciplined and organized.

Habit 4 Think Win-Win- Everyone Can ein

I want everyone to be a success.
I don't have to put others down to get what I want.
When a conflict happens, I look for a third solution.
I believe that we all can win!

Habit 5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood- listen Refore You Talk

Llisten to other people's ideas and feelings.
I try to see things from their viewpoints.
listen to others without interrupting.
I share my opinions and ideas.

Habit 6 -Synergize- Together is Better

I know that everyone is good at something.
Everyone needs to get better at something.
We can all learn something from each other.
Working in groups helps to create better ideas than what one person can do alone.

Habit 7- Sharpen the Sate Balance Feels Best

I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and getting sleep.
I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I take time to help others.

And the last Habit which is Habit 8: FIND YOUR VOICE! Where we all can discover our talents!