Medication Policy
Miscellaneous Notices
Federal regulations require that schools be inspected for the presence of asbestos, a toxic material that has been used in the construction industry for a number of years. This school has been inspected for asbestos containing materials and the results of the inspections are contained in the Asbestos Management Plan. This plan is available for your preview at this school, the District Office, or a copy of the plan can be provided to you for the cost of reproduction.
District Medication Policy
District Policy on Medication at School is as follows. For procedures:
All arrangements are to be made only with the school principal or designated personnel.
A signed authorization form is required from the parent(s) or guardian requesting that school personnel administer the medication.
The authorization form must be filled out and signed by the student’s doctor including the time, date, dosage, name of medication, method of administration and a statement of necessity.
A parent/guardian or an authorized adult (Not a Student) must bring the medication to school in a container properly labeled by the pharmacist. The label must include name of student, doctor, date, dosage, name of medication and method of administration. Medication improperly labeled on the container cannot be accepted and/or administered to the student. Students in violation of the Medication Policy may be subject to disciplinary action under the Safe School Policy.
All over-the-counter medications will require a prescribing practitioner’s statement and parental or guardian consent before administration a) The medication must be in the original container. b) These drugs will follow the same protocol as prescription medications.c) Use the authorization form for over-the-counter medications.
Students in kindergarten through grade 6 may not self-administer medications except for asthma inhalers, insulin, or auto-injectors, i.e. EpiPens. Inhalers, epinephrine auto-injectors, and insulin may be carried on the person. Inhalers, epinephrine auto-injectors, and insulin may be administered by the student in elementary school if the parents and medical provider sign and return the forms to self-administer these medications.