PTA Minutes 2020/01/06
North Park Elementary PTA Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 6, 2020 @ 3:30pm
North Park Elementary Community Room Members Present: Elizabeth Edmonds, Shawnie Colohan, Ericka Rodriguez, Patricia Fedderson, Brooke Favero, Trina Favero, Heidi James, Tracy Beck, Mrs. Okey, Ashley Lemos
Inspirational Thought: Shawnie Colohan - “You don’t grow when you’re comfortable.”
The minutes of the October meeting was reviewed by Patricia Fedderson. Elizabeth Edmonds set a motion to approve the minutes, Heidi James approved and Trina Favero seconded the approval.
Treasurer's Report: Given by Ericka Rodriguez ● $24,972.72 in the account, not including Waffle Love spirit night money or Money from t-shirts for Teachers.
Calendar of Events:
● Shawnie will calculate Volunteer Hours from start of school until now.
● Little Caesars Fundraiser - Still waiting on more information from the company.
● Gift Cards for Teachers scrapped for this year but will consider for next year and future years.
● Parent Teacher Conference Dinners: Trina, Tara & Tricia will handle. Will be on February 5th @ 5pm. Have $380 left in budget with about 35 teachers/staff members to feed.
● Book Fair: Will be the last week of March (23rd-27th), will set up on Friday the 20th after school.
● T-Shirts: Last checked by Elizabeth all but two shirts had been passed out. Ericka will collect the money for the t-shirts from Kim.
● Family Night: February 23rd, STEM focused.
● Discussed PTO vs PTA: Weber school district supports PTA as opposed to PTO so will stick with PTA.
● PTA Board Voting: For 2020-2021 PTA Board school year. Mrs. Okey will send out and email to see if there is anyone interested in any open positions on the PTA board.
● Mrs. Okey: School Fundraiser, will be selling chocolates, will kick off the week of PTC (parent teacher conference) and will run through Valentines Day. Titile 1 - plan has been approved for 2020/2021 school year. If anyone has any questions about Title 1 please let the office know so your questions can be answered.
Meeting Adjourned @ 4:46pm Next Meeting will be February 10, 2020 @ 3:30pm