PTA Minutes 2019/09/09
North Park Elementary PTA Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, September 9, 2019 @ 3:30pm North Park Elementary Community Room
Members Present: Elizabeth Edmunds, Ericka Rodgriguez, Shawnie Colohan, Patricia Fedderson, Tracy Beck, Brooke Favero, Trina Favero, Jane Musters, Heidi James, Linnell Fowers, Rebeka Okey, Michele Strate
Inspirational Thought: Shawnie Colohan
The minutes of the May meeting was reviewed by Patricia Fedderson. Elizabeth Edmonds set a motion to approve the minutes. Trina Favero approved and Tracy Beck second the approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Given by Ericka Rodriguez.
● Balance in Checking account as of Sept. 9, 2019 is $20,881.52.
● PTA Member sign-up from Back to School night until now - 40.
Calendar of Events:
● Sept. 18th: Kick off for the Run-A-Thon
● Oct. 9th: Run-A-Thon - Will start at 9am. We are going through Holly Fundraising. They will set up the course, take it down, provide the DJ during the run, provide prizes to be handed out, provide the app to make donations. If families don’t want to pay in the app they can bring money and we will put it down for the teacher so the class gets credit for the donation. Last big prize will be for the class with the most donations. Tricia will get bottled water donations. Possible treat at the end of run-a-thon day.
● Oct. 14th or Oct. 28th: Waffle Love Fundraiser - On 25th street in Ogden or see about food truck. Could do during parent teacher conference, Oct 14, or during a parent engagement night, Oct. 28th. Shawnie will get more information. Pizza Pie Cafe is another possibility.
● Box Tops - There is now an app to download and scan your receipts, the ones from the top of the boxes will be gone by the end of the year. Brian Fowers will make a flyer letting families know.
● Oct. 11-16th: Book Fair - Set up will be on Oct 10th. Book fair has to charge tax this year. Brooke will do a sigh-up sheet and flyer. There was $660 in extra money that Mrs. Okey and Mrs. Emerson will decide what to buy for the library.
● Oct. 3rd: Reflections Due - Theme “Look Within” SBO to help advertise.
● Robotics Club - Every Wednesday from 1:15-2pm. 4 Teams to compete with other schools.
● Leader in Me - Builds character. Let parents know more about the leader in me program on the school website.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm Next Meeting will be October 7th @ 3:30pm