Minutes 2017/10/06
Community Council Minutes 10-6-17
Roll Call – Riko Reese, Dave Tanner, Trina Favero
Excused - Alison Stander, Tina Wright, Angie Johnson, Kim Schneider, Jenn Kasteler
Minutes from last meeting read by: Riko Reese
Approved by: Dave Tanner
Title one plan completed and SAGE and DIBLES scores are now included
Last year’s Trust Lands Final Report Reviewed and discussed
Hiring the math aide is in process
The other areas were all completed
DIBLEs scores went down 4% over all last year
Question about DIBLES about counting students that come later, will be addressed
Dave Tanner will review with teachers the effectiveness of the science books
Discussion about next year’s plan will be held next meeting
Elections were discussed that to keep a rotation, elections will occur each year.
Trina Favero made the motion that the schedule be resent to the members –Seconded by Riko Reese
All voted to do so. It will be sent out by Riko Reese
Motioned to adjourn meeting made by Riko Reese and seconded by Dave Tanner
Meeting adjourned at 4:15