Minutes 2018/01/08
Community Council Meeting Notes – January 8, 2018
In Attendance: Riko Reese, Jenn Kasteler, Dave Tanner, Trina Favero
Absent: Tina Wright, Allison Stander, Angie Johnson, Kim Schneider
Meeting Began @: 3:32PM
Minutes read and approved: Yes, Riko and Jenn
- Review plans and ideas for Land Trust
- Math tutor has been hired. Too early to tell if effective yet, but overall feeling is results will be good. Working in small groups – RtI. Tutor seems competent, knows her stuff, and has been proactive. Decision made to keep math aid in Trust Lands plan.
- $1200 to be spent - Science books - $1200 to purchase. All science book can be found online. Consensus is there is no high need for them. However, 4th grade does want them. 4th grade might be able to order the science books through the textbook fund rather than Trust Lands. $1200 will be better spent elsewhere.
- PLC rotations now have their own budget but some of the $1200 could be used for more art supplies.
- Other possible uses for funds – subs for DIEBLS testing, subs for behavioral testing, PLC time, Chromebooks, new lamination machine, iPads, indoor recess supplies (puzzles and games to be kept in each hall), LA, math, and/or science manipulatives.
Meeting Adjourned @: 3:56PM