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Minutes 2022/02/28

North Park Community Council Minutes

February 28, 2022

  1. Welcome - members present and absent
    1. Diana Beard, Heidi James, Ashley Remkes, Michel Strate, Sarah Lynch and Jared Abney
  2. Review previous meeting minutes 
    1. Having more of a focus on arts
    2. Discussed the BTS Arts grant program through the state. The committee felt that it could potentially be what we have been looking for to better integrate the arts at North Park
    3. We also discussed that we could coordinate one week out of the month in PLC rotations to a focus on the Arts
  3. Next meeting March 28th at 3:15PM
  4. Current plan and spending
    1. We reviewed next years Trustlands plan

Suggested changes included:

  1. Using a standardized assessment to measure K-2nd math performance
  2. Have 4-6th grade teachers using progress monitoring with all upper grade students in the strategic reading category 


         5. Updates on Title 1 plan

         6. Questions from council members