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Minutes 2020/11/10

2020-11-10 Minutes
Tuesday November 10, 2020
3:45 P.M. 
Zoom Meeting

Members Present: Diana Beard, Heidi James, Ericka Rodriguez, Rebecca Okey, Ashley Remkes, Michel Strate, Lisa Begley
-Review of Financial reports
   -most spent on Aide Salaries, General Supplies (Art Supplies for PLCs, Charts, Folders) 
   -Technology (Chromebook lease, maintenance) 
-School Data Review
   -Leader in me Survey: Focused on Leadership, Culture and Academic. 
-Community Council Roles Review:
   - Presentation by Paula Plant: Health and Safety for Councils
      - Digital Citizenship, School Safety, Positive Behaviors
   -Presentation by Ashley Remkes: Emergency Response Plans
     -Review of Fire Drills, Lockdowns, Lockouts, Earthquake Drill, Seal Area(Hazmat)

*not all the info can be allowed to public for student safety
   -Discussion about Child access in and out of school, School Zones and Crossing guards ( 1900
and 4000 and/or 4800)
-Parent Drop off in Bus Zone in the mornings will need ideas.
-Offer more locations for Bike racks (East side of school near shed/fence)
-Positive Behavior Plan: electronic cigarettes and Substance abuse, Anti Bullying (we need to Focus
on Health and Safety)
  -Get PTA involved, Police officers, Nursing staff and Student Leaders
-Title 1 Information: North Park Website
  - New Highly Qualified staff have been hired School News and Future Planning:
  -Dealing with Covid19
    -Reminders, routines and continued distancing
    - using Trustland Funds to help with continued learning in a soft closure, Chromebooks are 1:1 for
2-6, will discuss on younger grades. 
     -Canvas: have teachers show parents how to better help their kids with the online learning they
do at school. 

  -Continue to find the best ways to communicate with families during School days and soft closures.
(Website, Emails, Texts)
-Discussion of a Focus group of parents and staff to see what is beneficial in a soft closure and to
better be prepared during Covid19

Next Meeting January 12 3:45
More about Positive Behavior Plan Canvas for parents 
End of Meeting at 5:15 P.M.