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Educational Game Links

Educational Game Links   K         1st        2nd        3rd       4th        5th         6th  Abcya PBS Kids Room Recess Sesame Street Starfall            Abcya PBS Kids Room Recess Sesame Street Starfall           Abcya National Geographic Kids Sesame Street Starfall          Abcya Arcademic  National Geographic...

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What is this plan? Click on the image to watch a short video of the overview! -TSSA stands for Teacher and Student Success Plan. -Goals for the year for our student's success.   Teacher and Student Success Plan 2024-2025 School Information Name of Administrator: Michel Strate Name of School: North Park Elementary  Goal # 1 Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement Goal #1: By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 65% of students in grades K-6 will achieve typical or above growth according to the Pathways of Progress on the year...

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Box Tops

North Park Box Tops Box Tops is going digital! All you need to do is scan your store's recipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to our school's earnings online! Steps to Turn Box Tops In: 1. Download the app! 2. Buy Participating Products! 3. Scan Your Recipt Within 14 Days of Purchase! Your school will automatically earn cash!   For more information visit  

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Early Check Out

North Park Elementary EARLY CHECKOUT PROCEDURE   In an effort to better serve you, and to alleviate classroom interruptions, we are requesting that you help us by observing the following procedures.If you know that your student(s) will be checked out early or will not be riding the bus home...Please send a note with your child, or email the teacher(s), on the day of the early release indicating the time that you will arrive or what the change in transportation will be. The teacher will send your student to the office (with the note) at the requested time.If you unexpectedly need...

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